Monday, December 21, 2009

Got out of hospital yesterday!

Well I just got out of hospital yesterday afternoon at 4pm. I didn't do this yesterday since I slept from 5pm to 2am! As you see from the above picture I couldn't find anything better. I'm now been diagnosed with MS. The main reason I went to hospital was because of the shakes. I had to have a MRI, blood test.

When the Nurologist came and talk to me about my results. That when I freaked out. He said with all the results and my symptons I've got MS! I freaked out. Worse I was told and no one was there for me to support me. My mum didn't bother ringing and when I rang my mum on Sunday morning, I told my stepdad to tell my mum I'm in hospital and he said what are you in hospital for this time? I told him I'm getting tested for MS. Ok I tell your mother and bye. If you know how my family works they never really cared for me, since I left home.

I don't have any suppport except my husband and people on Flylady forum and BYDLS board, plus FB and Myspace.

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Christmas coming and got MS!

It been awhile since I last posted my last blog. So it time for an update on my life. Not long till christmas for 2009. Hubby and I don't really celebrate it since we lost my son 3 days before christmas in 2004. As well since the girls don't live with us anymore. We don't see the point in celebrating it.

I can't wait till Friday comes, I'm getting a lap top, which be good so I can use it in bed when I'm not doing that great. Which lately I haven't been doing so well.

Went to see my doctor today and he was rude to me. By saying I'm not helping myself by not losing weight, not going to Physio which I got an appointment January 4th next year. I'm trying to lose weight. It not like I sit around eating junk food all day long. But there was good outcome though, I finally been diagnosed with MS. Hubby also had to see the doctor to, because he been having headaches for the last 2 months. The doctor want him go for a Cat Scan to make sure he hasn't got a brain tumour, which I doubt he has.

Well that about it so far.