Sunday, April 26, 2009

Congrates Talia and anxiety!

Congrates Tahilia for winning 2009's SYTCD!
I hope all the best for your future!
I'm absolutely exhausted tonight. Don't know why I'm so tired. I know I'm not doing so well for the last few days with my mental health. It seemed to got worse on Tuesday night when I took my husband to hospital because he was in pain. They were going to admit him but he didn't want to stay in. His reason is because he had an interview on Thursday. Trust me I tried talking him into staying. While I was in hospital my anxiety level was going to sky high. I went to my mosiac class on Friday and asked if I can talk to my doctor and I said to the Receptionist to tell her that I'm not doing very well and my anxiety levels out of control. So she gave me some more seroqual and told me to come back on Wednesday this week. Most of the weekend so far I been sleeping all the time.


  1. Rochelle, it's not good that your anxiety is so bad. Is there something the doctors can do or are they not to sure about how to handle it? What do you think has bought it on?

  2. It could be due to Matt's health not doing so well. My doctor already up'ed my seroqual from 400 to 500mg everyday. I go back on Wednesday if not better they said to ring the Mental Health line if needed.

  3. I am so sorry to hear I know hard hard anxiety is it's the pits. How is Matt? has he got that job? Where is it?

  4. What anxiety does your follow under? Mine the worst you can get. I have SAD. Matt sleeping right now. He hasn't got the job yet. He got another second interview this week to find out. It's in Morley.

  5. WOW I hope he gets it.

    Mine is GAD I think thats what they call it. I am ok if I don't have to be out of the home for to long. Shopping is fun. (not) I am ok while I am thinking shopping but when I realize that I am out thats when it is bad. If I know the place well and there is not a lot of people around I am fine. Like HJ's Midland is great but thats because I have made friends with the people that work there, so it's a safe place! In fact two of the girls were at Bunning today and came over and said hello and talked about their families thats how much I know them. They also know when caring get too much and they will come over and have a chat it's great having a place like that to go to! WOW I think I am in a talking mood!

  6. Hi Rochelle, are you seeing a counselor at all? I found it really helped me deal with catastrophic thinking - easy to have when you are a carer and things regularly go wrong!

  7. Very good advice! Our daughter went from a mess with anxiety to controlled no medication needed. All because of a great counselor and lots of Prayer. She still has some issues but nothing compared to what she had before. Have you thought of asking your doctor for some counseling?

  8. I had alot of counselling in hospital. That why they said when things get to hard. I need to go in for respite break. The doctor's in hospital set me up with counselling while I'm in there.

  9. Rochelle, you may need on going counseling. I know Ant will for quite a while it may be worth looking into? How are you feeling now?

  10. Sweetie, I am off to bed I can finally sleep after everything. {hug} I miss you on FlyLady forum but this is fun too. Look after you and we can talk tomorrow love ya!
