Monday, December 21, 2009

Got out of hospital yesterday!

Well I just got out of hospital yesterday afternoon at 4pm. I didn't do this yesterday since I slept from 5pm to 2am! As you see from the above picture I couldn't find anything better. I'm now been diagnosed with MS. The main reason I went to hospital was because of the shakes. I had to have a MRI, blood test.

When the Nurologist came and talk to me about my results. That when I freaked out. He said with all the results and my symptons I've got MS! I freaked out. Worse I was told and no one was there for me to support me. My mum didn't bother ringing and when I rang my mum on Sunday morning, I told my stepdad to tell my mum I'm in hospital and he said what are you in hospital for this time? I told him I'm getting tested for MS. Ok I tell your mother and bye. If you know how my family works they never really cared for me, since I left home.

I don't have any suppport except my husband and people on Flylady forum and BYDLS board, plus FB and Myspace.

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Christmas coming and got MS!

It been awhile since I last posted my last blog. So it time for an update on my life. Not long till christmas for 2009. Hubby and I don't really celebrate it since we lost my son 3 days before christmas in 2004. As well since the girls don't live with us anymore. We don't see the point in celebrating it.

I can't wait till Friday comes, I'm getting a lap top, which be good so I can use it in bed when I'm not doing that great. Which lately I haven't been doing so well.

Went to see my doctor today and he was rude to me. By saying I'm not helping myself by not losing weight, not going to Physio which I got an appointment January 4th next year. I'm trying to lose weight. It not like I sit around eating junk food all day long. But there was good outcome though, I finally been diagnosed with MS. Hubby also had to see the doctor to, because he been having headaches for the last 2 months. The doctor want him go for a Cat Scan to make sure he hasn't got a brain tumour, which I doubt he has.

Well that about it so far.

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Day 6 of being stuck in bed and I'm getting so bored. All I do is sleep, read and come online. What suck is that I can't do anything like flying or doing the groceries. Hubby does ok but he forgets to buy the fruit and healthy food. He tends to buy junk which isn't that good for me since I'm trying to lose weight and bring down my cholestrol levels down. He does try his best, I give him that.

I weighed myself today and gained back the 4kg I lost. Not very happy mind you I didn't eat good last week. Luckily I can start over again.

Well dinner nearly ready and I'm going to watch some tv now.

Saturday, November 7, 2009

On Bed Rest

On Friday afternoon I went to my doctor's appointment to get the results of my CT Scan. Well the news wasn't to good. He said my disk has moved since my last CT Scan. He said no wonder I'm getting so much pain. He ordered me to have 3 weeks on bedrest and 25 minutes on the net every couple hours or so.

Being stuck in bed suck big time because I seem to think of things I can do. It going to be long 3 weeks for sure.

Tonight I didn't sleep well, more like not at all so I been sitting here most the night playing on the computer.

Well I'm going to have my morning medication. I started on 3 and now I'm up to 7 different. Hubby jokes around saying I becoming a druggie. I don't see that funny!

Monday, September 28, 2009

Might be moving!

On Saturday afternoon Matt and I went to look at a 2 bedroom unit in Mirrabooka to swap. We just had enough. We been having problems with aborginals who live in Koondoola area. They been jumping our fence and upsetting Buba. Plus it be nice to get away from where my son was killed. Fingers cross Homeswest would let us swap. We desperately need to get away from where we live. Since yesterday I started packing stuff that we don't use. So far I got about 7 boxes packed! I'm doing it in 15 minutes, instead of decluttering, I'm packing instead.
On another note:
Not log to we renew our vows. So far we found our Celebrant and choosen a theme. The theme is a beach, blue and white theme. I need to start looking at dresses now. Which be fun!
Well that about it that happening around here.

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Where Spring?

Well it susposed to be Spring by now but unfortunetly it still feels like Winter! I'm so over winter now and can't wait for the weather to warm up and then I be complaining about it being to hot lol. I can't win!

Well I haven't started any Spring Cleaning yet. I'm seem to just putting it off! We done a little bit of gardening though last week. Matt just mowed the lawn last week which it was desperately needed. Poor Buba our dog couldn't go to toilet without grass ticking her when she goes. We got so much weeds it shocking and I got a feeling it going to take me ages to get rid of them.

Well it just 13 months and 19 days to the wedding. So far we decided where we going to have our reception. We also going to do our own catering but with some help from the ladies at the church I go to. We also going to do our own wine and beer bar to. This is to save some money. We just finding shortcuts to save money. I have to ring the centre where we would like to have the reception to see if we can have it there and if alcohol ok.

Well that about it for the week.

Love Rochelle

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Well 4 weeks ago I had my operation to have an hystrectomony. I got told by my dr that I should be resting up to 6 weeks and no heavy lifting. Do I listen nope lol, I been doing things since last week and lifting things and all. I do have some pain but not that much. I haven't needed to have any panadol because its not that bad.
On a better note: Just 13 months to go to we renew our vows. We going to have it at a community hall and do DIY catering and alcohol. I'm starting to look forward to doing this and I'm so excited.
Well that the news lately. I'm still smoking though apart from that there nothing else exciting happening.
Love Rochelle

Monday, July 20, 2009


Conrates Julie for winning Australia's first master chief. I knew it be you that won it.

Well not much been happening. DH and I both qutted smoking again. We haven't a ciggie since 12th July. Mybirthday coming up on Friday. I be turning 3-0!!! I'm so glad to be out of my 20s. Everything went wrong in my 20s and only few good things came out of it. For ex: My husband, 2 daughters, got married, my son and my furbabies.

I only got a month to go before the big op which I be so glad when its over and done with,

Well that about it what going on.

Love Rochelle

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

I still have the net d\c at home and still got to go to the library to do emails and stuff. Well DH isn't doing his course at the moment. His health seem wasn't helping either. His pancreas is still playing up. Our GP said to us if it get worse he has to go to hospital and get more tested. He had an Ultrasound done and showed he got no gallstones which is ok.

I been doing ok. Susposed to see Amber this weekend. I just got to wait to see how Matt going. Well that about it. Nearly 4 minutes is up on the pc I'm using so I best sign out now.

Love Rochelle

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Well I thought I best post an update since I haven't posted here for ages now. I got some good news. Hubby going for his forklift license. It an 8 week course and once he get the license he can get a job for $700 before tax. This is his second day and so far he loving it. It a great distraction for him so he doesn't concentrate on the pain. So far I'm enjoying it but get bored when everything done and can't go on the net. I can't wait to gwet it back on. I miss chatting to my friends. My dog been behaving lately and we been walking at least twice a day and she really enjoying it. I lost 2kg 3 weeks ago and will get weighed again at the dr's next Thursday to see if I lost anymore weight. I got my operation set for August 19th and I be in hospital for 3 days and at home resting up for 6 weeks.

Well that about what been happening.

Also we puttting the wedding on hold due to finances.

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Today was a busy stressful day for me. Firstly I missed 2 buses to get me to my appointment on time. Then I got to my appointment late to see my Pysch dr. Well I got there in painfully at 3.30pm and I was in total agony. She asked me how I'm going. I'm not doing as good as we hope. So she up'ed my anti- depressents and since I been sleeping alot she brought my epilum back down to 400mg per day. 100mg in the morning and 300mg at night. She said if I don't feel any better ring the clinic or go to ER. She asked me what a I worried about and I told her I'm worried about my husband's health that I'm scared it can get worse. I told her I struggling with keeping up with housework and cooking. She said she get my social worker to help get som support for me so I don't have to be under to much stress. She said if I don't look after my mental health then how can I be a proper carer to hubby.

Once I got out of appointment I sat in the clinic waiting for hubby and he didn't turn up so I went to the library and he weren't there. So I went to the closest phone and rang hubby on his mobile to find out where he is. So we met up at Big W. Then we went to have dinner at Hungry Jacks\Burger King and after that we went grocery shopping which cost us $90.

Well I'm home in agony. My right ankle and right lower back is killing me. I'm about to ring the Health Direct and see what they say.

Monday, April 27, 2009

Congrates Bob on winning biggest loser 2009!

Congrates Bob on winning Australia's Biggest Loser 2009! It great to see a Bunbury guy win!

I best get working on our renewals!

Hubby and I planning to renew our vows in October 2nd 2010. On my husbands 35th birthday. I absolutely done nothing to get it organized. It just under 18 months away. I seriously need to get my act together. I hope no one who read this don't mind talking about wedding lol. You be hearing it a fair bit till we say Ido again. So far we only have choosen where we going to hold the ceremony at Scarbough Beach. Because we both surfies. Hubby used to love surfing and I love going to the beach.

Well I'm going to go now and watch some telly.

Sunday, April 26, 2009

Another beautiful sunny autumn(Fall) day here in Perth. Be a nice day to be outside instead of being stuck indoors. Pity I hate gardening though! I might do some washing today despite its 11.12am here. Nothing opened today since it ANZAC long weekend here.

Hubby wasn't doing so well last night. About 2am when I went to bed he said if I go to hospital would I come and I said no because I was drowsy from my medication. But I said you go and ring me on how you went. He said nope it to late and don't worry about it. I don't understand why he can't go by himself and I go often by myself. He doesn't need me to hold his hand 24\7 like a child. Aren't men big babies when they sick?

Well I best go and do some housework now!

Congrates Talia and anxiety!

Congrates Tahilia for winning 2009's SYTCD!
I hope all the best for your future!
I'm absolutely exhausted tonight. Don't know why I'm so tired. I know I'm not doing so well for the last few days with my mental health. It seemed to got worse on Tuesday night when I took my husband to hospital because he was in pain. They were going to admit him but he didn't want to stay in. His reason is because he had an interview on Thursday. Trust me I tried talking him into staying. While I was in hospital my anxiety level was going to sky high. I went to my mosiac class on Friday and asked if I can talk to my doctor and I said to the Receptionist to tell her that I'm not doing very well and my anxiety levels out of control. So she gave me some more seroqual and told me to come back on Wednesday this week. Most of the weekend so far I been sleeping all the time.

Saturday, April 25, 2009

Sink still shiny but not the rest of the kitchen! Well since I didn't officially go to bed till 3.30am last night I slept in to 11.30am this morning. So all up I got 8 hurs and I'm still tired. My Pdoc. increased my seroqual during the day to 200mg so all up I'm having 500mg of seroqual. So to get used to my new dose, I know I'm going to be drowsy alot.

Hubby just basically went to the job and watched. He said they wanted him to see what he going to get himself in for. I don't think hubby told him about his health. Chances are he won't say anything. Also last night he still want to look through Quokka and keep looking for a house swap. He desperately want to get out of this area. I told him I think about it. Reason I'm not sure about it because we both got our hopes up for that house and it fell through also making dr's appointments to get the form filled out just to get told no. I don't want my husband's hopes up and be let down again. Well I'm going to lay down now and have a read.


Well it officially 2.20am here and hubby came home from the job he going for. The manager wanted to let him see what he going through. It didn't put him off because he did kitchenhand before. I told him it completely different to Bakery work. Sizzlers is Hospitality work. Well he came home an hour ago. I'm getting tired now. So I'm logging off so I can go to bed.
Night everyone!

Need to lose weight before operation!

Well I desperately need to lose weight. I'm right now overweight and hate it. I got an operation coming up soon. The Surgeon want me to lose weight before hand. I'm susposed to be operated on in 2 weeks time but the Pysch dr I went to see didn't give them a letter to approve the operation. So I have to go back to the hospital in less than 6 weeks again and hopefully this time I can make a date to get the operation done.

Also I know I need to do it for my own health. My dr. is constantly on me about it. Feel free to give me tips to lose weight.